Sunday, October 11, 2015

A Career That Cares

I’m writing at the hotel I am staying with Jason at in Denver for the weekend since he is up here on and off all month for training for his new job. As most of you know, he recently accepted a wonderful position as a Financial Advisor. This week, he got to start his dream career. It has been an absolute pleasure to see him feel so fulfilled and productive. It’s crazy how many of us, at one point or another, have taken our jobs for granted. They’re draining, they’re time-consuming, they don’t pay enough, you name it. However, seeing Jason working has made me think twice about that. He was devastated when he had to retire from the Marine Corps at the age of 22. He has spent the last two years feeling bored, and even “useless” as he says (although he is FAR from that). When he was accepted for the job he now has, he was ecstatic.

Told you he's ecstatic! 
            You would think the countless hours he has put in since then would have ruined his excitement, but that is not even close to the case. I’ve barely spent time with him since he got hired. Between studying for insurance tests and the series 7, even Jason’s weekends are spent mostly in the office. He began his training here in Denver on Wednesday, and I feel lucky to spend the weekend up here with him since we’ve actually been able to get some quality time out of it. So far, he has very much enjoyed training. He LOVES what he does.

            If you know Jason, you know that he gives 100% to anything he invests in, and his new position is no different. It is refreshing to see someone enjoy a job so much. There are so many reasons he could find to complain or give up. His career has a 90% dropout rate due to the immense dedication and amount of time required for success. Yet, Jason shines through the high expectations. Of course he loves the investment and insurance part of financial advising, but more than that, he really cares about his future clients. You’ve heard all those stories about scammer advisors, who will say whatever is needed to get their paycheck. I just know that will never be Jason. Every individual he has considered as a possible future client, he has brainstormed out loud to me how he could help them. He wants to help injured guys make sure their injury compensation goes towards benefitting their future. He wants to help military members make wise financial decisions who are about to deploy, so they can focus on their service and know their families are taken care of no matter what. He has thought of plans to help hard workers retire instead of being bound by hopelessness and lack of planning.

            Safe to say, my husband has picked the right career field. I’m just a lucky bystander! I just wanted to share this encouragement with you because I know it will help me appreciate my jobs more and I hope it will help you remember what a blessing a steady income is as well. God bless!

We were in Woman's World Magazine last week!

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